Too harsh as it may sound.. but they(spitters) are one of those few people whom I feel like thrashihng black and blue whenever I see them.
But little did I know that this hatred towards a particular class would lead to me getting into a duel(verbal though) with a loafer of our building.
A few days back that bugger was standing at the corner of our terrace munching paan (as it seemed to me) constantly spitting on the whitewashed wall and parapet right above our window. Once I ignored, twice I did, but how much can a man take.(..those who take more are not men, but spineless !@#!@#$%)
I went forward and in the softest of my tones asked why was he doing so. Like a beast(ugliest of all) ready to pounce he started shouting: not important it was completely senseless anyway. One thing lead to another and ended up me showing him the 'finger'(You know which one!)
Matter reached Dad. No probs for he believes a lot in me to scold me on such trivial matters... Dad though was happy for I called spade a spade. He sympathised with me but gave me two important lessons:
1.Society will change only if its smallest contituents, individuals themselves change. Its no one man show.
2.Donot go out changing people, they themselves would if they want to. Be the way you are
Today I see him in the same spot above our house munching the same shit, and then look at the slab above our window there is nothing today. I knew i couldn't stop him from spitting elsewhere, but on my house... HELL I DID!
But now, I see many more spitters(may be I notice them now)... Someone spits on the way, still I don say "What the F**k!!!", I don ask "Why!!". I flinch a bit, go around it and make my way home...
Shailesh R Nadar
10:15 am, June 21, 2007.
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