It’s the last one week of my intern and I am already done with the much hyped Technical Presentation. With just a fraction of work remaining, I can at last heave a sigh of relief.
I never thought I would do such satisfactory “Analytical” work in Heat Transfer, the course in which I heavily messed up the End-Sems to pull out a C grade from the jaws of an ‘A’. No wonder that’s one Q-paper I preserve till date, for the sheer way it left me clueless and pretty jobless in that 3 hr endsem. Anyways I would diplomatically refrain from going into the details of the project which was psuedly titled “Analytical treatment of Circuit Breakers to study Heat Transfer in its components”… Cuz I very well know you don give a rat’s ass about my project and more so, what I did in it!!
Just about some 10 weeks back I remember I was this f***ed up, internless, hopeless, jobless, aimless, pathetic guy making my rounds to the HoD office every bloody morning in desperate attempts to get myself a decent intern. The GE offer letter was quite a surprise and left me thinking that it was too good for me!!! But going back and just imagining the daily torture I suffered in the hands of the HoD left little doubt in my mind about the same. This guy single handedly made a Hell hole out of my life. The b*****d had me doubting my own capabilities, with my self confidence already down in the drains. Some of his notable face to face Quotes include:
“I will make sure you get (the intern) at the end” with special stress on the END part!!!
“Don’t worry... people above you (CGPA wise) will get, people below you will get… then it will be your chance!!”
“Believe me!! I will get you a summer training!!” where?? In your patented company Guindy Machine Tools!!
“Why staying here (in insti)? Go home, we will intimate you as soon as you get an offer!!” When??? Well you sure must have meant next year dear Sir!!
Damn!! the lone mental picture of the guy still races my blood to boiling temperatures!
But the thing that matters: I got an intern, and a good one at that!!
Don’t they say:
Its only those tough enough to fight through the night (read HoD!!) shall stay to see the light of the dawn!!
Shailesh R Nadar
10:44 pm, Jul 21, 2008.