Saturday, July 12, 2008

Mad Mad Bang Bang!!!--The tale of two cities!!

Its been 5 months since I last posted... I almost forgot I even had a blog. Sometimes life, in my case intern renders you so jobless you start writing again.
Life (mine) is as miserable or as happening or as rocking as it always was... the only thing that had changed is the location... It used to be Bombay, then it was Chennai, now its Bangalore.

I have stayed in Chennai for the past three years and here in Bangalore for two months.
Abt the things I like better in Bang.
1) Ultimate cool weather (Being a resident of Mumbai and studying in Chennai) I d never slept under blankets during summer!!
2) Wide footpaths... understandable development was late and hence more planned.
3) Though its not a problem for me in Chennai.. being a tam but ppl in Bang almost everyone understands Hindi(added advantage!)
4) Lot of decent neighbourhood to stay in and city is far better planned with whitefield being a completely indus area. and is blessed with possible expansion in all directions.

The things I miss:
1)Biggest and the Best--- The Campus... the hostel and the times of lying idly on your chair watching sitcoms!!
2) The down to earth bus fares... Used to paying Rs 5 from IIT to Chennai Central i.e. 12-14 kms or roughly 1 hr of travel time. It seems unfair to pay double that for one fourth the distance.
And the small private vans!!! well they suck big time.. they thrust in 40-50 ppl in a small van.. don the traffic police notice it.. Try doin that in Chennai!!!
3) The Beach... a stroll on the Beasant Nagar beach and you forget everything... Even the torture in the hands of the HoD, or even the way you wrote your open book Finite Element Method End sem.
4) Retail prices slysha cheaper than Bang(I aint sure abt this) and way way cheaper than Mumbai (which is unfairly costly) with comparable facilities and a added advantage of a clean Beach.
5) Though it wont seem at the first look... infra is surely better. I have never been thrown of my feet standing in a bus and hit my head on the roof of the bus anywhere else in India except in Bang.. Not even during the times of travelling in the crapiest of the buses in Chennai.
6)I am pretty sure(not fully though) in most of the buses in Chennai its written in English... but ironically and shockingly i hardly find any buses with a speck of english in Bang..
Being a tam, I have a psychological attachment towards Chennai and an instinctive attachment towards Bangalore... and well home sweet home "Aamchi Mumbai".

Shailesh R Nadar
4:15 pm, Jul 12, 2008.


  1. dude could you u miss comparing the chicks of bangalore and chennai.


  2. Well... I forgot with a reason, Why don't you do it for me my friend!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. dopay... This is a family blog ;)...

  5. Quite a nice post Shailesh and after a long time too...

    Don know know why I wish I were in college once again!!

    And as you say I too would rate chennai and mumbai better than any other city!!

  6. the post was good yaaaar....
    but u cud ve got some better looking pictures for representing the cities!
